Champion Horse Judge and Champion Friend
/Linda Murdock with her beloved granddaughter Jackson and Willowtrail Mountain Honey
You can bet that as soon as I learned that my friend Linda Murdock had been a champion horse judge in her younger years, I began quizzing her every chance I got. I would have her judge selected line-ups of my Fell Ponies or have her explain a particular aspect of conformation. She helped me take pictures and make measurements for saddle fit. She helped me deliver Willowtrail Henry to his owner in Ohio and then visit three Fell Pony owners on the way home. When I moved to Scotty Springs Ranch, she took her horses out of the horse pasture so that my ponies would have it all to themselves.
I met Linda and Bruce when I bought an Australian Shepherd puppy from them. Before long we were talking on the phone about breeding dogs and then cattle, which they had been doing for decades, and eventually about Fell Ponies. When my husband died, they immediately offered a place for me to land with my ponies and all the logistics to get us from there to here. For the past eighteen months they have been my closest friends and companions.
Tragedy struck a week ago. Linda was taken from us in an accident here on the ranch. There is a huge gaping hole where she once was the answerer of questions, the giver of advice, the solver of problems, the volunteer for errand runs or road trips, the shoulder on which to share bad news or happy circumstances. There are dogs and cats and horses and cattle that miss her attention and try to coach those of us who remain to do better.
I gave her granddaughter Jackson a ride on a pony for the first time without Linda. Jackson was thrilled, and the rest of us remembered how much joy Linda showed when her pink princess became a cowboy. Linda, all of us were made better by your presence in our lives. You are greatly missed.
© Jenifer Morrissey, 2020
The family encourages remembrances to your favorite animal rescue.