Ross Did Me Proud!

We arrived in Laramie, Wyoming an hour before the arranged meeting time.  The early arrival was by design; I wanted yearling Fell Pony Willowtrail Ross to have time to eat before undertaking the second half of his journey to his new home.  He appreciatively dove into the hay in the trailer, and I walked my dogs and ate my lunch.

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My friend Mike who lived nearby surprised me by coming to visit us, and one of his objectives was to take a picture of the transfer of Ross between trailers.  Then after Ross’s new owner arrived, she expressed thinly veiled concern about Ross loading into her trailer.  Figuratively, the pressure was on.  I admit to wondering how it would go once I saw the other trailer.  The step up was bigger than anything I’d yet asked Ross to do, more than 15”.  Nonetheless, I knew I could get him loaded eventually, so I said nothing and we completed the business portion of the transfer and prepared the other trailer to house Ross for the next several hours.

I had mistakenly left behind Ross’s halter and lead rope, so I used one I had in my trailer and was pleased when he didn’t indicate any concern about the unfamiliar tack in already unfamiliar surroundings.  Then Ross and I unloaded out of my trailer, and Mike snapped the picture here.  Ross’s owner’s trailer was parked right next to mine, so I led him the few feet between and stepped up into the other trailer and ahead into the stall.  I heard Ross follow me without any hesitation at all, and I was one proud pony trainer!  We all laughed though because it happened so fast that Mike wasn’t able to get the picture he’d come to take!

© Jenifer Morrissey, 2020