A Fell Pony Capriole!?

These are two old photos but are being shown together because of something new. At left is Willowtrail Wild Rose, my 17-year-old heart pony Fell Pony mare. At right is a Lipizzaner doing a capriole in 1989 in Loveland, Colorado. A capriole is defined as "a movement performed in classical riding, in which the horse leaps from the ground and kicks out with its hind legs."

A few evenings ago, I was leading Rose in from pasture at dusk. Rose's herd mates were in high spirits, running past us. I could tell that Rose’s energy was rising rapidly as she began expressing that she wanted to run with her friends. I wasn’t surprised when she reared next to me, because she had done it a few weeks before.

This time though, what happened next was new. From rearing, she jumped and kicked out to the rear, performing a capriole. I was speechless. I had no idea a Fell Pony could do a capriole, much less a pony of her age! It was all over in a moment, but I will never forget it! They are called ‘airs above the ground’ for a reason!

© Jenifer Morrissey, 2024