Aimee Wows Me!

It was the day after a heavy spring snowstorm.  The sun was shining brightly, and the thirteen inches of snow we’d received was starting to slide off of the roofs of buildings, as you can see in the photo here.  After I finished preparing the ponies’ feed buckets, I realized that I was going to have to tie the ponies to fences differently than usual because one fence was under overhanging snow, which I didn’t want to calve and hit the pony tied underneath.

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I carefully tied and moved the mares, always mindful that the snow could calve off the roof at any minute, causing them to react.  I distributed feed buckets, though, and the snow that looked ready to calve didn’t.  I untied all the mares, still mindful of where I was relative to the imminently calving snow, and still it stayed up high.

The largest ready-to-calve chunk of snow was right over where I slide hay under a fence before spreading it out.  Eleven-month-old Fell Pony Willowtrail Aimee was standing there when the snow finally came down.  She wowed me with her reaction.  The water-laden snow clunked to the ground not twelve inches from where she was standing, and all she did was hop sideways a foot, then put her head down again to see if she could find any leftover bits of hay.  Talk about unflappable!  She’s going to be one fun pony to explore unknown territory with!

© Jenifer Morrissey, 2021